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What do I do if my GMB listing is suspended?

What do I do if my GMB listing is suspended?

Asked - 1 answer

Restoring a Suspended GMB Listing

What do I do if my GMB listing is suspended?

You log into your account and see your Google my Business listing is suspended.  Can you get your listing back or are you kicked off from Google for good?  The good news is, as long as you can correct the issue and prove your innocence, Google will lift the suspension.  The very first step you must take is filling out the reinstatement form.  

Once completed you must wait for Google to respond.  This wait can take up to 48 hours and possibly longer with COVID-19 affecting businesses.  While you wait you should gather images showing that your storefront signs and even a small video showing how customers get to your reception area.  Be ready to show business documents as well.  For service area businesses, documents, and images of your company vehicles will work as well.  You may get lucky and Google simply reinstates your listing.  More times than not Google will ask for proof of your business though.  By having everything ready on the spot, you reduce the amount of time spent waiting for google to ask for proof and respond to you.

After you submitted the information, you should think back on what the latest changes were to your GMB listing.  Did you change any information such as your business name or phone number recently?  Does your website url still work?  Any new users added to your account recently?  These are important questions to ask yourself.  If Google doesn’t lift your suspension it is completely on you to figure out why you got suspended.  Google will not tell you the reason, just that you did get suspended and to read the rules.

Once you believe you corrected the issue, email Google support back on the same email string and tell them what you corrected.  From this point on it will be a back and forth of you reverting or correcting your GMB listing and asking Google support to revert the suspension.  After you successfully restored your GMB listing, it takes up to two weeks for your map rankings to return to normal.     

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